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We’d love to hear from you. Sean loves talking with readers and fellow writers.

And Dave . . . Despite rumors to the contrary, Dave hardly ever bites.

Email one or both of us. We answer all our reader mail. If you don’t hear from us, feel free to email us again, just in case your mail got lost in the interwebs.


Other places to find us on teh interwebs

Our Collective Inkwell Facebook page:

Sean’s Facebook page:

David’s Facebook page:

Sean’s Twitter:

David’s Twitter:

David on Google Plus



If you simply want to keep us with the latest Collective Inkwell news, sign up for our FREE Goners Newsletter (located in the sidebar to the right), which began as our newsletter for Yesterday’s Gone readers, and is now the newsletter for all our dark fiction.

When you join The Goners, you’ll get a newsletter every week or so which features:

  • the latest Collective Inkwell news including updates on Yesterday’s Gone, Available Darkness, our short stories, and any new books as we write them
  • Sneak peeks at new chapters before anyone else sees them!
  • a FREE short story eBook for Goners only!
  • occasional links to other cool stuff as we find it on the web

Our newsletter is more like a friendly email from your creepy, sometimes funny, and always charming friend, than promotional pitches like a certain Number One horror author (whose name we won’t mention) sends out which say: “Hey, buy my book” and then you don’t hear from him again until he has something else to sell you.

He doesn’t love you. Not like we do.

(Note: We promise not to sell your information to anyone (even if they make it rain money), or spam you. And you can click a link in any of the emails to stop getting the newsletters if you decide to move on and find a younger team of sexy writers with a cooler newsletter.)

Thank you!

Sean Platt

& David Wright