Book Trailers

We love making book trailers. Unfortunately, with indie author budgets, and not a whole lot of time, we can’t make nearly as many of them as we like, or make big budget videos with actors and stuff like the Big Publishers do.

But we’re nothing if not scrappy.

Using nothing but stock photos, several layers of stock audio and stock music, along with a combination of Apple Keynote and Final Cut Pro X, we were able to create some memorable videos so far.

Here’s our videos to date, each of the Yesterday’s Gone videos focusing on different elements of the series. Click the bottom right corner of the videos to view in HD at YouTube if you want the full screen experience.

Make sure to check back here often, we’ll add new videos as we make them.

We also include links to where you can buy each series. For a complete list of all of our books, click here:


The Intro – This is the main trailer for the series, a dramatic slow build with epic music and quotes from readers.

Spoilers Suck – For this one, we tied the book to current events, a news story about how many readers actually enjoy knowing how a book ends. The editing is faster paced, as is the music (dubstep before it became so mainstream).

That’s What You Do For Family – This one is the first of our character videos, highlighting the plight of Brent Foster, who is searching for his family after the events of October 15. Interesting side note: I did the audio for this, and at the time, my four-year-old son came into the room and heard it, and seemed quite sad, asking if I was lost, and where my family was.

What Would Boricio Do? – This is the second character trailer, laced with some dark humor. What Would Boricio Do is a running joke between Sean and I, playing off the What Would Jesus Do craze. Seemed like a cool idea for a really cheesy game show.

EPISODE 12 – This is the one we did for our Season Two finale, using repeated imagery and type to hint at some of the major plot points.



WhiteSpace sneak preview trailer – this is one of my favorites we did, blending a few different audio sounds with some creepy imagery.



ForNevermore Intro. This one played up the romance a bit more than the book actually did in the first season, but I love it, particularly the music we used. You can tell I did this one after the Yesterday’s Gone Episode 12 one, what with the flashing repeated imagery.


Which trailer did you enjoy most?

What series would you like to see more trailers for? 


2 responses to Book Trailers

  1. Brandy Yassa

    Dang, guys!! Good job on those trailers! For not having big budget help, you’ve done well in portraying the various moods & themes of your diverse creations. It’s difficult to pick just one! BUT, if I have to pick JUST one, it would have to be ‘Whitespace’. Good ‘n’ creepy! (-;
    I would also choose the same for more trailers. Thanks for all your hard work…I’ve enjoyed EVERYTHING I’ve read so far. Warmest regards, Brandy Yassa

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